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Richard Earnheart
on the
Midterm Elections
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Richard Earnheart on the
2006 Mid Term Elections

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With Bush's plunging polls, the downward spiraling disaster in Iraq, and the Foley sexual predator scandal in the do-nothing Republican Congress, the Democrats will have their first opportunity to regain the House, possibly the Senate, and perhaps a few governorships. Or will they snatch defeat from the jaws of victory?

Richard Earnheart Bio

In 1989 I fell in love with a double adobe and ten acres south of Santa Fe.  From then until 2000, Edwenna and I were fortunate enough to earn a living in the arts while being active in local environmental and social issues.  In response to an illegal gravel pit near the town of Cerrilos, Edwenna formed the rural conservation alliance for which I wrote and lobbied.

In 1994 we purchased the Goddell Warehouse and Feedstore in downtown Silver City.  Upon completion of its restoration, I won the best restored building Award from the New Mexico Main Street Association.  After moving here from Santa Fe in 2000, we utilized the space as a contemporary gallery until its sale in 2005.

Primarily I view myself as an artist and writer.  The natural evolution of anyone involved in these arts is community and conscience.  When you discover intuitive action, the illusion of our separation, one from another, civic activism is inescapable.

Painting a dramatic landscape is an act of personal passion.  Sculpting a community through action and policy is an act of passion, empowerment, service and incredible reward.  To me, this service in itself has become a higher art.

Currently I am serving on the Democratic State Central Committee and on the Ft Bayard Executive Committee, a group delegated to outline a comprehensive plan for the adaptive re-use of the Ft Bayard complex and the surrounding federal and state lands.

At home, I am building a new studio and working on a novel.  Three short stories are also in the works that will complete a collection.

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